What’s new We made a few updates to our policies. These changes take effect on July 25, 2019. If you keep using Etsy after that date, you agree to our updated policies. Here are some highlights: A clearer privacy policy Privacy is important to us and we know it’s important to you, too. That’s why we updated our policy to clarify what information we may ask for to protect you from fraud and abuse on Etsy. We added more details about how user information is shared in the new Etsy Community. We also updated our policies on cookies and similar technologies used by Etsy and our partners to give you more details about what information we may collect and which devices we may collect it from. New limit on refunds In the unlikely event that your order on Etsy doesn’t work out as expected, we can help you find a resolution or get a refund. We’ll make refunds to your original form of payment, unless it’s not available, in which case we’ll give you an Etsy gift card. We’re also establishing a 180-day limit for refunds issued on Etsy. Shop owners on Etsy can set their own refund policies, but after the 180-day window has passed, they won’t be able to issue a refund using Etsy Payments. A seller may choose to issue a refund with another payment method outside of Etsy after the 180-day window has passed. Changes to our arbitration procedures We hope you never have a dispute with Etsy, but if you do, Section 11 of Etsy’s Terms of Service describes your agreement to arbitrate your disputes with Etsy. We revised this section to update the location for handling disputes and clarified that an arbitrator will decide questions on whether arbitration applies to the dispute. You got this email because you’ve made a purchase on Etsy in the past two years. You may have opted out of Etsy’s marketing emails, but we’re required to send you these policy updates. More questions? Check out our Help Center.
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